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MC package

"If you don’t feel like asking uncle Ben, (who you know is going to be way over the top), or maybe you just don’t want to put the pressure on your best friend who actually hates talking in front of people.

Why not use me?"

wedding mc Brisbane_edited.jpg


As a Master of Ceremonies I will be in charge
of keeping the event running smoothly on
schedule, and ensuring that all of the guests are having an awesome time.
I’m also confident with a mic in my hand!
I will have a receptions Run sheet made up from a questionnaire we have filled in together where we have locked in speeches, discussed how you like your first dance to be presented,
and how you like to have your bridesmaids and grooms presented when they first walk in.

  • I will be the point of contact for the event (liaising with venue, reception, catering staff, videographers, musicians etc)

  • Structuring the reception and keeping everything running to schedule.

  • Hosting the reception: house keeping, announcements, introducing the speakers and reading telegrams from people who couldn’t make it on the day.

  • Keeping everything running to schedule.

  • Facilitating cake cutting, toasts, games, first dance & bouquet toss.

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